Our Primary Function is Licensing Intellectual Property
Our Primary Function is Licensing Intellectual Property
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Check out this great video. Ooops! Have you noticed Censorship lately? Do you think that "NOBODY", private companies or Government, may violate your Fundamental Rights without "Due Process", having your day in Court?
See the 14th Amendment, Clause 1. You are guaranteed "Due Process" and "Equal Protection". We have applied the modern principles of "Process Engineering" to devise solutions to modern problems using tools ALREADY IN THE CONSTITUTION. We apply existing tools efficiently.
If somebody tells you you cannot have a Jury before they take your children - now you can laugh at them.
We Lobby and sometimes we must litigate. After repeated abuses and "usurpations" our Founders declared King George to be King of nothing. So, King George sent Soldiers to America to make war on us. We did not invade England.
Coercive Control. Lawyers are regulated by the State Bar. Good Lawyers who actually defend your Rights, can and do have their license to practice law revoked without "Due Process". WTPCS has solutions for this but these solutions are incompatible with slavery. You may consider and decide for yourself if Judicial control of the legal profession is a violation of separation of powers. Where does the Constitution say in Article 3 that Judges have the authority to regulate lawyers, bus drivers, or dog catchers? Is your lawyers free and independent to defend your rights, or do you give him money while he serves that man behind the curtain? We have solutions in the public domain, on the record for this problem which we seek to license.
Most people do nothing, and accept their fate. Some people refuse to be slaves and thrash about in defiance of slavery but do not do the research to understand the mechanisms and are weak on devising effective solutions. Many people believe the solution is to raise awareness. At WTPCS we never criticize anyone who does "something" to oppose slavery. Our core competency is research and engineered solutions using the scientific method. We produce and license protected intellectual property.
We love you guys because we learn from you. This legislative cycle we listened to arguments in many state legislative committees. "We are a private company and real conservatives do not interfere with private enterprise." It sounds so good. You will be surprised and happy to discover that Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the rest of SCOTUS were all great champions of Free Speech and the 14th Amendment. So much fun to look forward to.
When a corrupt system arises making a lot of money, Human Nature dictates that corrupt institutions will almost never reform themselves. Powerful outsiders must intervene and put the unruly children back in their playpen. To abolish slavery, Grant and Sherman had to march through the South and chase Lee to Appomattox Virginia. Some Lobbying and a few Law Suits is really no big deal. When legal experts can cite Federalist 83 paragraph 19, what was going on in "Four Eastern States" and explain how that profoundly offers solutions to todays application of "Due Process" and "Equal Protection" THEN we should respect for their legal acumen. Until then why would we not consider lesser scholars to be legal amateurs and keep running circles around them?
Copyright to WTPCS LLC 2018 - 2024. All rights reserved. All contents of this website are protected intellectual property. The methods of applying Juries efficiently, and the efficient application of Due Process described herein or any place else, developed and promulgated by WTPCS LLC is the exclusive protected property of WTPCS LLC and is available for discussion of reasonable terms of a licensing agreement.
NOTHING is preventing the Courts from furnishing you a Jury in Common Law Civil Courts, other than cost and expediency.
Under the Constitution Article 3, the Government "SHALL" furnish Juries in "Criminal Courts". Your Right to a Jury in Common Law Court is "PRESERVED" by the 7th Amendment. The Government is NOT REQUIRED to furnish a Jury in these Civil Courts. The Courts have the "discretion" to decline your request. If so, the Courts forfeit their authority and the responsibility defaults to the People themselves, per last two words of the 10th Amendment.
Your Right to a Jury is in the 7th amendment. Your right to bear arms is in the 2nd Amendment. Neither of these are addressed in Article 3 so the Courts are NOT required to furnish you either a firearm or a Jury in a Common Law court. In each case YOU have that Right, but NO JUDGE is compelled to furnish you either a gun, or a Jury in a civil court. It is YOUR responsibility to buy your own gun, hire your own lawyer, and to arrange your own jury, while preserving the due process rights of everyone.
During the Civil War, the 13th Amendment was passed which abolished slavery. Some people still liked slavery and found new ways to implement slavery. They simply called it something different. So, three years later the 14th Amendment was passed to clearly explain how everyone shall be treated fairly and equally. Clause 1 includes "Due Process" and "Equal Protection". Due Process includes your right to a Jury and is part of being treated fairly because we are not slaves.
Human Nature has not changed. There are some Judges and Lawyers who claim to have "absolute power" to take our children and all of our money. There are some Big Companies with unlimited money who also think they have "absolute power" to violate whatever Rights they like, Freedom of Speech, Equal Protection, because they are private companies. It is Human Nature to crave Absolute Power and to impose slavery upon others.
Why is the Constitution suddenly no good because the Founders never envisioned the internet or computers? The Founders did understand slavery and Human Nature. What is an algorithm? It is simply the means by which you process an input, to produce an output. The Constitution is an elegant collection of algorithms in one small set of documents. It puts limits on the powers of EVERYBODY, no exceptions. It even protects us from the "tyranny of the mob". It is NOT a pure Democracy. It is a Democratic Republic.
At WTPCS we look to the founding documents to solve modern problems. We create new innovative solutions using the existing Constitutional foundations that we must only insist be followed. In the process we create and license valuable intellectual property. Human Nature has not changed. Some people keep trying to impose slavery upon us by calling it something different. Marxism, critical race theory, Section 230, cancel culture, they are so creative.
Since absolute power and slavery are so lucrative, we must sometimes litigate to enforce the Constitution. This is a small price to pay compared to our Veterans and our Founders all the way back to Valley Forge and Morristown. Liberty must be perpetually defended by every generation from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
It has been argued that we have no Juries in these courts because they are "Courts of Equity" which arise from British Common Law. This is correct except we have one thing the British do not have, "The Bill of Rights", which includes the 7th Amendment. We checked today and the 7th Amendment was still there, so we are all in agreement that the 7th Amendment does exist.
Equity means "Fairness" and Justice. US Family Courts have some 2,500,000 new cases each year. Thus the need for a streamlined judicial process. An obvious weakness of "Courts of Equity" is "Judicial Immunity", which results in the nearly total lack of accountability of our Government to the People. Alexander Hamilton wrote that the purpose of Juries is to prevent corruption and this is why the 7th Amendment exists.
Again, there is NOTHING PREVENTING the Judiciary from providing Juries in these Courts and we agree they are not required to do so. By leaving this function undefined the Courts have forfeited their authority. Thus the authority and the rules of implementation default to the People and we will implement this portion of the Judicial process as we see fit per the 10th Amendment.
In most States, the Chief Justice is free at any time to sign an administrative order creating rules to administer Juries in Common Law courts. If the Courts do not like the manner in which the People exercise their discretion to make these rules, then by all means, we would be happy for the Courts to provide these rights to the People using established mechanisms. Whatever happens, the People must have their rights under the 7th amendment "PRESERVED". The 7th Amendment exists. Any rules contrary to the 7th Amendment, such rules do not exist.
Again, US Family Courts have 2,500,000 new cases per year. WTPCS will never offer Juries in the Courtroom for every case in all Jurisdictions. It's impossible. WTPCS will offer a trial jury using the traditional model when that is possible. The rest of the time the "Ex Post Facto" model will be available to all litigants that have 7th Amendment Rights.
Existing court rules and Jury Instructions are mostly sound. WTPCS utililizes existing rules and Jury instructions with a few revisions seeking generic and transferable processes to most if not all 50 States. Widespread application in a short time period is deemed impractical but WTPCS will support this traditional model as able to do so.
We seek simplicity and low cost and thus greater access to justice for all. If the Judge renders an order which is something close to justice in the minds of the People, then litigants and WTPCS are happy to accept the order and do NOTHING. Indeed, "most" judicial orders are recognized as just. There is no way to tell how many order are deemed "unjust" as no means of collecting such data currently exists.
If a litigant is convinced that justice was NOT DONE, that litigant may refer the matter for Jury review by retaining the services of WTPCS. After affording everyone due process, the Jury shall view and weigh the evidence and issue a verdict which MAY then be filed into the case record. The Jury may A) affirm the order of the Judge or B) direct the order be "stricken, rendered void and unenforceable" and advise the Court what the Jury believes would be an "equitable" order. The Jury is not allowed to otherwise change the order and is thus prevented from "making law".
This Jury process imposes a key "check" on judicial power deemed essential by the Founders and the People who believe they have been victims of "INJUSTICE" by our Justice system. Our Courts can only function if the People have "confidence' that their Courts deliver Justice. Arbitrary and Capricious Abuse of Discretion is "Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice". The express purpose of the "Ex Post Facto" model is to DETER Abuse of Discretion by incentivizing Judges to render justice "in the first place", replacing the OPPOSITE incentives which currently exist.
Currently, WTPCS encourages litigants to consider the Jury findings and negotiate a settlement to the case. This has proven quite successful thus far. The parties either take the agreed terms to the Judge to be lawfully enacted, or go off and live by the agreement they reached by themselves. In these ways many cases are successfully and equitably resolved and the Judge does not know WTPCS was even there.
The Founding Fathers knew full well that Absolute Power "Corrupts Absolutely". They crafted a marvelous checks upon "Absolute Power". All we need to do is apply it.
Does the Government or Big Tech have the authority to take your children and all your money, violate Fundamental Rights without due process?
The Founders say NO.
Nobody is required to provide you a Jury in any Common Law court case. YOU are responsible for that. We cover the details and license such intellectual property.
Copyright © 2018 We the People Court Services LLC - All Rights Reserved.
Govt of the People, by the People, for the People